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Ethics Opinion 384


This Opinion addresses the limits, under Rule 7.1(f) of the D.C. Rules of Professional Conduct ("D.C. Rules” or “Rules”), 继承澳博app接受(或代表)某些刑事被告和被关押在哥伦比亚特区惩教所或青少年拘留设施的被拘留青少年的法律费用的能力.

Rule 7.1(f) was added to the D.C. Rules in 2007 at the behest of the Public Defender Service and U.S. Attorney's Office, 为了保护已经代理的在押人员免受澳博app基于不切实际的成功承诺来招揽付费合同的伤害.1 Rule 7.1(f)对继承人澳博app规定了具体的通知义务 accept a legal fee from (or on behalf of) the incarcerated client. Rule 7.1(f) provides:

  • 任何澳博app或代表澳博app的人招揽或邀请或试图招揽任何在哥伦比亚特区监狱服刑的人, 或任何哥伦比亚特区的少年拘留所,以代表该人或代表该人支付费用或根据刑事司法法案, D.C. Code Ann. §11-2601 (2001) et seq., 在那个人被代理的任何未决刑事案件中, 在接受被监禁者的任何费用或代表被监禁者收取任何费用之前,必须及时和充分地通知被监禁者当时的现任澳博app.

Nowhere does Rule 7.定义“接受任何费用”或“及时和充分的通知”的含义. Other D.C. 规则告诉我们(i)澳博app的费用必须合理(规则1).5(a)); (ii) special disclosures and consents are required when a family member or other third-party seeks to pay the client's legal bill (Rule 1.8(e)2); and (iii) prepaid flat fees are never earned on receipt (Rule 1.15(e)3).

本委员会注意到,在辩护澳博app承诺出庭之前,刑事辩护澳博app通常要求被告支付全部预付的固定费用(或向预计的总小时费用支付一大笔保证金). Rule 7.1(f) could be read as requiring a successor counsel to defer receipt of fees until entering an appearance. Such a reading, however, 会使被监禁的人难以行使他们更换澳博app的绝对权利吗.  We therefore conclude that nothing in Rule 7.1(f) prohibits successor counsel from receiving澳博app的信托账户支付费用,等待“及时”服务和提交出庭通知或替代动议.

至于什么构成“及时和充分的通知”,我们注意到D . 112规则.C. 高等法院的刑事诉讼规则目前要求“在任命或保留的3天内”发出出庭通知.“刑事诉讼规则第49条还规定,此种通知应送达当事人的澳博app. 尽管违反法庭程序并不总是构成违反道德, 我们的结论是,符合刑事诉讼规则第49条和第112条的出庭申请的送达和归档与规则7项下澳博app的职责是一致的.1(f)以(i)保护客户利益和(ii)避免浪费前任澳博app和法院的资源.

Published: August 2022


1. The legislative history to Rule 7.1(f)见《澳博app》审查委员会的第179页 对哥伦比亚特区职业行为规则的拟议修正案最终报告和建议 (June 21, 2005) found at http://ltna.e2gou.com/about/who-we-are/reports/rules-of-professional-conduct-review-committee/rules-of-professional-conduct-review-committee.

2. Rule 1.8 (e) states:  "A lawyer shall not accept compensation for representing a client from one other than the client unless: (1) the client gives informed consent after consultation; (2) there is no interference with the lawyer’s independence of professional judgment or with the client-lawyer relationship; and (3) information relating to representation of a client is protected as required by [the confidentiality restrictions of] Rule 1.6.”

3. Under Rule 1.15(e), a client's prepaid fees, including prepaid flat fees, 属于委托人,在澳博app完成相关工作之前必须继续委托,除非委托人知情同意另作安排. In re Mance, 980 A.2d 1196 (D.C. 2009). 如果不首先告知委托人放弃使用信托账户的风险以及终止澳博app与委托人的关系,一般无法获得知情同意, prior to completing all work, 客户是否有权获得与未完成部分工作相关的预付费用的退款. Mance. at 1206-7. See also D.C. Bar LEC Op. 355. Although Rule 1.15(e)规定在有限的情况下,客户可以提供知情同意,放弃使用信托账户支付客户的预付款, 我们的结论是,在澳博app按照《澳博app下载网》第49条和第112条的要求向前任澳博app提供出庭通知之前,这种弃权通常是不可操作的.
